EU and international investments dispute settlement after Opinion 1/17 on CETA


Introductory remarks:
Giovanna Adinolfi (University of Milan)

Aldo Chircop (Dalhousie University) – CETA and ISDS: a view from Canada
Vittorio Di Bucci (Legal Service of the European Commission) – The reconciling of
ISDS within the EU legal order after Opinion 1/17
Chiara Cellerino (University of Genoa) – Autonomy of EU law and EU external
relations: reconciling Achmea and Opinion 1/17
Manlio Frigo (University of Milan) – ICS and the right of access to justice
Stefano Saluzzo (University Amedeo Avogadro – Eastern Piedmont) – Domestic law
as a matter of fact in the Opinion 1/17

Concluding remarks:
Francesco Munari (University of Genoa)


15 novembre 2019
Ore 10:00-13:00
Aula Magna
Albergo dei Poveri

Piazza Emanuele Brignole, 2
Per maggiori informazioni: