Green hydrogen: an opportunity for Africa and Europe
The JUST-GREEN AFRH2ICA project, coordinated by University of Genova, Thermochemical Power Group, has the goal to develop mutual benefit roadmaps for the promotion of green hydrogen in Africa and Europe.
Africa has indeed a unique potential to exploit low-cost renewable energy to produce green hydrogen for domestic and external markets. Green Hydrogen could become the booster of a sustainable development of the continent, enabling African countries to reduce their environmental impact as well as to make them less dependent to fossil fuels which can create geopolitical issues too. African green hydrogen development could be helpful for European hydrogen transition, that’s why it’s important that both EU and AU hydrogen policies and development roadmaps are conceived in a cross-fertilizing way.
In this context, Italy can become one of the most relevant European Hydrogen Hub also being “hydrogen door” for African green hydrogen import via its natural gas pipelines and port. Furthermore, Italy has been recently promoting a political agreement with some African countries also looking at energy as one of the key topics of cooperation, the so-called Piano Mattei.
Two events in UniGe to discuss about it
In this framework the JUST-GREEN AFRH2ICA project organizes two events in Genova in Villa Cambiaso, in the premises of the Polytechnic School of University of Genova.
May 28, 2024, from 9 AM to 1 PM – Stakeholder Meeting
The first event will gather relevant industrial and institutional stakeholders to discuss about cooperation opportunities between Italy and Africa promoting green hydrogen and renewable energy.
Agenda and information are in the attached flyer.
May 29, 2024, from 9 AM to 4 PM – Training
The second event will be an interactive training event open to PhD Students and researchers to present both relevant UNIGE R&D activities in the field of green hydrogen production as well as part of the training/E-learning contents promoted by the project.
Agenda and information are in the attached flyer.
Further details and registration instructions for the event on May 28 and the training session on May 29 are available online.