The strategy of development, understanding international development cooperation in 2021

Il Dipartimento di scienze politiche dell'Università di Genova organizza un seminario in tre incontri dal titolo "The strategy of development. Understanding International development cooperation in 2021" tenuto da Jacopo Martino, Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione.

Gli incontri si svolgeranno in lingua inglese.

This seminar lays the groundwork for a better understanding of a reality of contemporary world politics: development. Whether in bilateral relations, regionally or globally, development is always present and governments are constantly walking the diplomatic tightrope and weighing the resulting costs and benefits and how to factor it in their decisions.
We will approach this subject based on the idea that Governments use means in specific ways to attain a desired end and thus development can be properly understood as a strategy.

21.12.2021: The ends (or: why does it matter?) - Aula 3, Dispo
17.01.2022: The means (or: where are the resources?) - TBD, Dispo
24.01.2022: The ways (or: how are the means connected to the ends?) - TBD, Dispo

21 dicembre 2021, 17 e 24 gennaio 2022

Gli incontri si terranno dalle 14.00 alle 16.00
Sarà possibile partecipare in presenza presso gli spazi del DISPO e online sulla piattaforma Microsoft Teams (codice Teams: zxzpyi2)

Dipartimento di scienze politiche - P.le E. Brignole, 3a canc Genova
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Promotore: DISPO - Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche